Monday, May 26, 2014

Military Monday: Isaac Skillman, Civil War Veteran

Isaac N. Skillman was born in New Jersey in 1842. Hewson Peeke's A STANDARD HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY, OHIO lists his parents as Aaron J. Skillman and Eliza A. (Van Nostrand) Skillman. Aaron Skillman moved his family from New Jersey to Michigan in 1854, and in the 1860s the family moved to Erie County, Ohio where they settled in Perkins Township. During the Civil War, Isaac Skillman served as an officer in the Third Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry. After the war, Isaac Skillman moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Towards the end of his life, Isaac Skillman moved back to Erie County, Ohio. He died in Sandusky on March 27, 1925, and he was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Personal reminiscences of Isaac Skillman from his wartime service are part of the Civil War collections at the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center.

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