Monday, April 14, 2014

"Death of Well Known Citizen"

Perry G. Walker died in Sandusky, Ohio on April 14, 1907. An obituary for Perry G. Walker appeared in the April 15, 1907 issue of the Sandusky Register. A transcription of the obituary reads:

Death of Well Known Citizen
Perry G. Walker Passed Peacefully Away at His Home Sunday Afternoon

Perry G. Walker, one of Sandusky's pioneer and respected citizens, died suddenly Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home, 335 Huron Avenue. Death was due to neuralgia of the heart. For many years Mr. Walker's health was very poor, he being afflicted with nervous troubles. Of late years, however, he had been in comparatively good health. He had a slight attack of neuralgia of the heart about a week ago but his physician, Dr. E. Gillard, successfully treated him. Saturday he was up and about his home. Sunday morning, although he did not leave his bed, he seemed entirely free from pain. He did not appear to be suffering and at noon his daughter, Mrs. M. Gallup, went to his room and asked him what he wished for dinner. Later she went up with a light lunch and found him dead in bed.

Mr. Walker was 75 years of age and had resided in this city since comparatively a young man. he was a thorough accountant and often was engaged in settling up estates, giving a great deal of time to work at that character. For a number of years he was also connected with lake marine interests.

Perry G. Walker was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

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