Monday, March 3, 2014

Joseph J. and Catherine Farrell

Joseph J. Farrell was born in 1862, to Timothy and Jane (Dempsey) Farrell, who were both natives of Ireland. An article in the August 11, 1892 issue of the Sandusky Register reported that Joseph J. Farrell went into business with John Rosino. Farrell and Rosino operated a shoe store on Columbus Avenue in downtown Sandusky. According to Erie County Probate Court Records, on September 14, 1893, Joseph J. Farrell married Catherine Strobel. In 1900 Mr. Farrell's health began to fail, and he and his wife moved to New Mexico, where Mr. Farrell hoped to find his improvement in his health. Joseph J. Farrell died in Albuquerque, New Mexico on March 3, 1905. He was survived by his wife Catherine, and a son, Desmond Farrell. Mrs. Farrell survived until 1941 after a lengthy illness. She passed away in San Antonio, Texas on May 26, 1941. Both Joseph J. Farrell and Jane (Dempsey) Farrell were laid to rest in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

A granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Farrell, Dr. Elnora Anne Farrell, was a well respected physician in San Antonio, Texas, where she practiced medicine for over fifty years.

1 comment:

  1. Dorene, one of my great granduncles also went to New Mexico for his health (about 1887). He came back and died in Michigan in 1889. Guess he wasn't the only one!
