Friday, February 28, 2014

Miss you Cousin Tom!

Pictured above are my cousin, Steen Thomas Parker, Jr., my mom, Joyce Parker Orshoski, and my cousin Shelley, little sister of Steen Thomas Parker, Jr. Known as Tom or "Tommy" to the Ohio cousins, Tom died this week following a motorcycle accident. We had many family gatherings back in the 1950s, and the California Parkers would drive across the country to see their extended family in Ohio. We rarely got to see Tom in the past 20 years, but we will miss him, and we treasure the special memories we share. Rest in peace, Tommy.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Dorene. I'm especially his life was cut short by an accident with a motorcycle. Blessings to you and the rest of his family.

  2. Thanks Nancy! It is so difficult when he lived so far away....wish
    someone from our branch of the family could have been at the services!
