Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sentimental Sunday: Reproduction of a 1931 Good Housekeeping Cover

This thrift shop tin features a reproduction of the cover of Good Housekeeping Magazine from November, 1931. My mother, Joyce Parker Orshoski, was born in December of 1931. Perhaps her mother or grandmothers read a copy of this magazine as they awaited the birth of the first granddaughter in the family. Mom told me stories so often of how her Irish grandmother Irene Larkins used to make delicious cakes. Mom is pictured below with her mother, Doris Wheeler Parker, her grandmother, Irene Larkins Risko, and her great grandfather, Thomas Larkins, in 1941.

Mom's paternal grandmother, Ada Steen Parker, was a marvelous cook, having lived on a farm most of her life. I am told her pies were scrumptious, especially at harvest time. My great grandmother Ada Steen Parker is pictured below, holding me as an infant, with Rusty the dog close by.

I often found vintage tins for Mom, and she seemed to love them, though I almost always found them at garage sales or thrift stores. This tin reminds me of my mom, and those oft told stories from long ago. Miss you Mom!

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