Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sentimental Sunday: School Picture from Huron, Ohio in 1919

My cousin who lives nearby recently allowed me to scan a few photos, mostly from the Yeager and Orshoski sides of our mutual family. Above are 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Huron, Ohio in 1919. Most of the people in this picture look very serious. The two young men at the left side of the picture look like they are good buddies. Thinking about which possible relative of mine may in this group, I took a look at the Yeager Family Group Sheet.

Since Andrew Yeager (1908 - 1942) would have been about age 11 in 1919, I am guessing he is somewhere in this vintage school picture. Andrew would have been my granduncle, the younger brother of my paternal grandmother, Emma Yeager Orshoski. Uncle Andy passed away before I was born, and I do not really know which of the youngsters he could be. Here is a photo of the Yeager family from about 1918.

If anyone can identify any of the individuals in 1919 Huron school picture, please contact me. Thanks!

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