Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday's Tip: R.C. Hellrigle and Company's Sandusky Directory, 1876-1877 is Free Online

While I was browsing online is search of information on pioneer Sandusky residents, I came across the full-text of R.C. Hellrigle and Company's Sandusky Directory for  1876-1877. I found my Larkins ancestors residing on Fulton Street, and found that Patrick Larkins, my great-great-great grandfather was a foreman at Hubbard's lumber yard.

My Cross ancestors all lived on Railroad Street, now known as Pearl Street in Sandusky, Ohio.

Below is just a small portion of the classified business directory in the 1876-77 directory.

If you have ancestors from Sandusky, Ohio, check out R.C. Hellrigle and Company's Sandusky Directory, freely accessible at Google Books!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have any Sandusky ancestors but I love the old city directories. I think the decorative fonts they used are such fun. It's great that so many are being put online, and free is so much better!
