Tuesday, August 6, 2013

B. F. Hough of the U.S. Signal Service

Benjamin F. Hough's Civil War Pension file indicates that he served in Companies I and H of the 98th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as well as in the United States Signal Corps. Benjamin F. Hough served as the first Observer Sergeant of the Oswego, New York Weather Bureau, having been appointed to that position by the U.S. Army's Signal Corps. By the 1890's, Mr. Hough was the official observer at the weather station in Sandusky, Ohio.

On August 5, 1895, Benjamin F. Hough died as a result of heart disease. Obituaries for Mr. Hough were carried in the August 6, 7, and 8, 1895 issues of the Sandusky Register. One obituary for B. F. Hough stated, "The services were simple and impressive and the burial following was private. A Christian gentleman, a devoted husband and father and an officer to whom duty was law, such was Sergeant Hough." Pallbearers for Sergeant Hough were John J. Molter, William H. Herbert, Josh Davis, Capt. A. M. Anderson, Judge L. H. Goodwin and J. D. Warner. Charles J. Krupp was in charge of the funeral, which was held at the Hough residence on Columbus Avenue. Burial was in Oakland Cemetery.

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