Sunday, July 21, 2013

William and Hannah Booth Died in the Cholera Epidemic of 1849

A tall monument honoring three members of the William Booth family is found in Block 21 of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Mrs. Hannah Booth died on July 21, 1849 during the 1849 Cholera Epidemic in Sandusky. Mr. William Booth succumbed to the disease on July 27, 1849. An inscription under the name of Mrs. Hannah Booth reads:

Blessed be the dead that die in the Lord

Under the name of William Booth is the inscription:

I know that my redeemer liveth

On June 4, 1863,  Mr. and Mrs. Booth's son George died at the age of 38.  The Oakland Cemetery interment card indicates that his remains were brought from Illinois to Ohio for burial.

The inscription under the name of George reads:

The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away
Blessed be the name of the Lord

Well over one hundred years after their deaths, the names of the Booth family members are still quite legible, on this lovely monument which honors their memory.

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