Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday's Tip: McKelvey's 1867-1868 Sandusky City Direcoty

McKelvey's Sandusky Directory for 1867-1868 is available full-text at the Internet Archive. Click on "Read Online" to view this item. An informative population table is found in McKelvey's Directory. The population data was collected in July of 1867, and the table breaks down the population of Sandusky's five wards by sex, age, religion, and birthplace. The table also indicates that 535 individuals served in the last war (Civil War), and that fifty individuals had died in service. It is unusual to find such detailed information about the residents of a city from a time frame that falls between the years of U.S. Census enumeration.

The page below shows a portion of the churches in Sandusky, as well as the members of the Board of Education. The descriptions of the churches enlightens us as to the various ethnic groups in Sandusky, including German, Irish, and African American.

McKelvey's 1867-1868 Directory features the typical listings of individuals of Sandusky residents arranged by surname alphabetically.

In the back of the directory are business listings. Note that all the Dress Makers listed are female.

If you have ancestors who resided in Sandusky, Ohio in 1867-1868, look through this online city directory to learn more details about them. Thank you Internet Archive for hosting so many valuable primary resources online!

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