Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Joseph Andrews

Joseph Andrews died on February 20, 1905. His obituary, which appeared in the March 2, 1905 issue of the Sandusky Register stated that Mr. Andrews was "another of the best known and most highly respected residents of Groton township...He was a man of strict intergrity, a good citizen, a model husband, kind father, and the afflicted family have the symapthy of all in their bereavement."

Joseph Andrews was born in Somerset, England on August 19, 1848. He married his wife Emma in 1864, and they had twelve children. Joseph Andrews came to the United States briefly in 1870, and returned about 1874 with his family. During the last eighteen years of his life, Mr. Andrews lived on the farm formerly owned by G. A. Wright.

Surviving Joseph Andrews was his wife Emma, and children: Mrs. William Fitch, Miss Nellie Andrews, Mrs. Frank Fitch, Mrs. G. Miller, Mrs. F. J. Mitchell, Edith Andrews, Joseph Andrews, Harry Andrews and James Andrews. Joseph Andrews and his wife Emma are buried in the Strong's Ridge Cemetery in Huron County, Ohio. The monument is in the shape of a tree stump, with a scroll that bears the names of Joseph and Emma Andrews.

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