Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Where are you, Gregory Larkins?

Gregory Larkins is my third great-granduncle, the youngest child in the Daniel Larkins household in the 1850 Census for Perkins Township, Erie County, Ohio. Gregory was born about 1846. (I descend from the line of Gregory's older brother Patrick Larkins.)

By the time of the 1860 Census, Gregory is listed as age 14, still living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Larkins, residing on the family farm in Perkins Township.

By 1870, Gregory is listed as age 22, and still residing on the Larkins farm in Perkins Township.

By 1880, I no longer find Gregory Larkins living with his parents, who are both still alive and residing in Perkins Township. There is another Gregory Larkins in Erie County, but he is not the right age as my Gregory, and his birthplace was Ireland. (My Gregory Larkins was born in Ohio.) I re-read the obituary of Daniel Larkins, the father of Gregory. When Daniel Larkins died in Bellevue, Ohio on May 25, 1893, the only surviving children of Daniel were two daughters, Mrs. Thomas McClain and Mrs. Patrick Kelly.

Sometime between 1870 and 1893, Gregory Larkins just disappears. I seem to always have more questions than answers!! Daniel and Johannah Larkins, the parents of Gregory, are buried in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio, along with several other members of the extended Larkins family. If anyone knows the final resting place of Gregory, please contact me!

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