Sunday, January 27, 2013

Grandma Emma's Birth Record at FamilySearch

Following up on a tip from Shelley at A Sense of Family, I learned that Family Search had recently added more Ohio birth records. I decided to try to find someone from my family in the Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 collection. I searched by the parents' names; father: Andrew Yeager and mother's maiden name: Piehl. The search turned up with a birth record for Emma Yeager, born in Milan Township, Erie County, on May 10, 1906, to Helena Piehl and Andrew Yeager. The record is the very last listing at the bottom of the ledge page pictured above. While finding Grandma Emma's birth record did not provide any new information to me, I was delighted to see all the birth records written by hand in the ledger. The listing also showed me the names of other infants born in Milan Township, Erie County, Ohio, in the years 1906-1907.

Thanks Shelley for pointing out the additions to Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 on Family Search! In this exciting Information Age, new data is being added to genealogical databases constantly, and it is terrific to have fellow bloggers giving us tips along the way!

Pictured below is Emma Yeager (later to be Mrs. Steve Orshoski) with her parents, my great grandparents, Andrew & Lena Yeager, and several of her siblings, about 1918. Emma is the first person in the back row.


  1. After reading this about finding Emma, I will try to find a set of twins, and a baby boy in Ottawa County that have evidence for years!

  2. So glad to read about your find, Dorene! It is an exciting Information Age and I love it when we can help each other. It's cool that you have a picture of your grandmother's family to make her birth record even more meaningful. Your post reminds me that I need to look for some of my grandmother's older siblings in this collection!
