Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: "Grandparents Are Important Because"

Randy at Genea-Musings challenged us to write a story using the phrase "Grandparents are important because" in 100 words. My parents spoke so highly of their grandparents, and they were wonderful grandparents to my children as well. I only knew one set of my grandparents, but I loved them so very much!

Here is my story in one hundred words:
Grandparents are important because they show love and support to their grandchildren. They can give hugs, when hugs are most needed, and they seem to be able to show love to their grandchildren even when the members of the younger generation are acting mischievous. Grandparents take such joy in the accomplishments of their grandchildren, and they have pride in the accomplishments of their grandchildren, whether the accomplishments are big or small. Grandparents are wonderful resources for learning about "the olden days" and they especially help out when school assignments call for one to interview a person from an older generation.
 Pictured below are my twin daughters with their grandfather, Paul R. Orshoski, Sr. about 1982.

My son Joel, and several other grandchildren of my mom, Joyce Orshoski, are in the picture below, taken on Mom's last Mother's Day, in May of 2010.

Thank goodness for grandparents! 


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