Thursday, September 13, 2012

When Mom Forgot It Was "Picture Day"

In the fall of 1957, my mother had three young children between the ages of two and six. I was the six year old in the family at that time, and in the first grade. On the evening before picture day at Venice Elementary School, my mom was having a busy night. She usually took the time to curl my hair in pin curls, and send me off to school with lovely curls. The morning of picture day in 1957, I was sent to school with two pony tails, which had become quite unkempt by the time the photographed snapped my picture! Every time Mom used to see my first grade picture, she would say "How could I ever have sent you off to school with your hair like that!" Both my mom and I adored Mrs. Pack, my dear first grade teacher. Mom and Mrs. Pack sent Christmas cards back and forth for the rest of Mom's life. Mrs. Pack didn't care if my hair wasn't up to Mom's usual standards on that day so long ago. After my mother's death, Mrs. Pack sent me a lovely letter saying that Mom had taken her under wing back in 1957, and gave her many words of encouragement. She was just starting out in her career, and she really appreciated Mom's kindness towards her. Mrs. Pack and I are pictured to the left from the 1957 Venice Elementary School class picture, and below is a picture which shows how Mom usually fixed my hair. I am the oldest child, holding my mom's hand. (By the time baby sister Kellie came along, Mom switched from pin curls to sponge rollers.)


  1. Good story, Dorene! I can see how your mom regretted her momentary lapse of memory regarding school picture day. You look absolutely darling in pin curls!!! The pony-tail picture does make for a good story though. Thanks for sharing in the COG!

  2. What a cute story. I'm going to have too ask my Mom about school picture day when she was little now. Thanks for the idea. :)

  3. Well it is a good picture, but mom's always like us to look our best.

  4. Dorene, I love your story. I can so relate, except my mom put a perm in my hair and it became Bozo the clown bushy... hid my head in shame.
    Your mom sounds like she was one lovely lady. I bet you miss her.

  5. Well, after the pin curl phase, Mom had me get a series of those frizzy perms! Back in those days, they smelled so terrible!
