Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mom and her Sister at Noah's Ark Ride at Cedar Point

The rather grainy snapshot above is a picture of my mother, Joyce Parker Orshoski, and her younger sister Sally in front of the Noah's Ark attraction at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio in the mid to late 1940s. From 1925 to 1955, my great grandfather Leroy Parker was one of the several area men who ran the Concourse Amusement Company which operated concessions at Cedar Point. Leroy and Ada's grandchildren had the opportunity to visit Cedar Point in the summer many, many times. When relatives came back to Sandusky for a visit, of course Cedar Point was one of the favorite places to visit. Grandpa Roy and Grandma Ada had a small cottage at Cedar Point, so when the little ones got tired from the excitement of the amusement park, they could go back to the cottage for a snack or a much needed nap!


  1. A cottage at Cedar Point -- what more could someone want?! Cathy

    BTW: The ticker symbol for trading the company that owns Cedar Point on the stock exchange is FUN!

  2. My mom and her brother & sister, and whole family had many a wonderful time at the old Point!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!
