Sunday, June 17, 2012

John and Linda Paul with sonTommy at the Beach

My in-laws, John and Linda Paul are pictured above with my future husband Tom in 1953 at the beach at East Harbor State Park. John and Linda both worked long hours at their jobs, so it is lovely to see them relaxing by Lake Erie on a sunny summer day! You can read more about John and Linda Paul at a previous blog post at the Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay. We still miss you both, John and Linda!

This post was written for the 5th Annual Swimsuit Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy, hosted by Creative Gene.


  1. John and Linda are a lovely couple but oh that Tommy is a cutie! Great picture, Dorene, and thanks for participating in the COG!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by! Tommy is all grown up now, and he still enjoys swimming and beach, especially with this heat wave!

  3. Very sweet family photograph!

  4. I enjoyed both posts. Really a nice photo. I was sad to hear Linda died so young. She's so pretty in this photo. Thanks for sharing...
