Thursday, May 17, 2012

Visits from Cousins

I have cousins from the east
And cousins from the west,
But the ones who stop to see me,
Are the cousins I like best!

Today I had visits from cousins from two different parts of the U.S.! On the Parker side, distant cousin Mike and his wife Carmen, and their lovely three daughters stopped at the library to see me (and several other friends) at the library. They drove from Texas to Ohio!

Later in the afternoon, cousin Pam, on the Steen side of the family, along with her sister in law, from Pennsylvania, also stopped by the library. (Pam is on the right.) They were getting ready for some exciting cemetery visits, which is easy to do now that the Springtime days are so long!

I like to imagine that Great Grandma Ada Steen Parker and Great Grandpa Leroy J. Parker are both looking down from Heaven, happy that relatives have found their way back to Erie County, Ohio for a visit!

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