Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sentimental Sunday: Mom's Thoughts on Our Singing in Her Honor

In December, 1996, four of Joyce Orshoski's six children, along with daughter in law Cindy, sang "I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry" during a Sunday morning church service at the Congregational United Church of Christ on Main Street in Castalia, Ohio. Though not all of us have a beautiful singing voice, Matt and Kellie carried us. Mom really appreciated us singing this song, in honor of her 65th birthday. After Mom's death, I went through a scrapbook that had been made for Mom by Great Grandma Orshoski (my dad's step grandmother on the Orshoski side.) Mom had written a comment to an unidentified publication, in which she stated how very much she appreciated us singing at church. Most of us had never even known she wrote about this! We miss both Mom and Dad so very much. They gave us a lifetime of wonderful memories and they set a great example of how to life to the fullest. Pictured below is Mom with Kellie, the youngest of her six children.

On this Mother's Day, we fondly remember your loving ways, Mom!

Above is the last picture of Mom ever taken on my camera, before her passing on September 8, 2010.(Brother in law Steve snapped this picture on my camera.) A few of us had gathered for breakfast on a beautiful Sunday morning in August, 2010. The next day was to be the last day she ever drove, or ever worked. Even though it has been over a year since her death, it is still very difficult to recall her tough battle with cancer. She was one in a million!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post, Dorene. It's clear from the newspaper clipping that your performance at church meant the world to your Mom. And I can tell she meant the world to you, too!
