Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thomas and Mary Hogg

According to his obituary in the April 23, 1881 issue of the Sandusky Register, Thomas Hogg was born in Preston, England on March 16, 1808. In reference to Mr. Hogg’s early involvement with the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad, the article stated, “His life was connected with one of the greatest historical events of this state - the introduction of the railroad interests--he having superintended the transportation of the first locomotive engine--the Sandusky--that ever crossed the Alleghenies, which he set up in Sandusky and ran on the first railroad built in the state...”

Harriet Taylor Upton wrote in HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE that the parts of the “Sandusky” locomotive were manufactured in the eastern United States, and shipped to Sandusky, to be put together. This operation was completed under the direction of “master mechanic” Thomas Hogg. Mr. Hogg was the first engineer of the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad. The “Sandusky” locomotive is pictured on page 399 of HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE.

Thomas Hogg died on April 21, 1881. He was buried with his wife Mary in Sandusky’s Oakland Cemetery. (Mary passed away in 1900.)

Historical information about the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad can be found at the web site of the Mad River and Nickel Plate Railroad Society. A photograph of Thomas Hogg, as well as his obituary, is also found at this website.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the railroad history embedded in the Graveyard Rabbit post. Thanks, Dorene.
