Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just Got Back from the 2012 Ohio Genealogical Annual Conference!

A short time ago, I returned home from the three day Ohio Genealogical Society Annual Conference which was subtitled "History and Genealogy: Finding Clues to Ancestral Lives." Two library co-workers and I were privileged to hear many speakers whose topics covered genealogical strategies, using technology, finding military records, unique census records, and how understanding events in history can enhance our family history research, and of course, much more! Thank goodness we have access to the outlines from each presentation, so we can brush up on all that we learned!

I was able to meet two GeneaBloggers whose blogs I follow, Harold Henderson from Midwestern Microhistory: A Genealogy Blog and Shelley from A Sense of Family. My co-worker Ron snapped this picture of Shelley and I at the conference.

In the Exhibit Hall, I was able to pick up literature from several different Ohio libraries and Local Chapters of the Ohio Genealogical Society. We even found out that local author Leslie Korenko has published a third book covering Kelleys Island history!

The conference was held at the beautiful Intercontinental Hotel, on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic. We were comfortable throughout the entire conference, both while in sessions, and while relaxing in our lovely rooms. Cleveland has a wide variety of restaurants, and while the food in the International Café of the Cleveland Clinic was fabulous, we also thoroughly enjoyed visiting a restaurant and two bakeries in Little Italy, and the mile-high deli sandwiches at the nearly Chicago Deli. Now I need to go unpack, and then learn more Lisa Loise Cooke's awesome Genealogy Gems Podcasts!


  1. Oh what a great time you had!!! One of these days I will make it back east to a conference. Or better yet, you need to come West Young Lady!

  2. Oh Sheri, I would love to attend a conference in the West...if only I could win the lottery!!

  3. Dorene, it was wonderful to meet you at the OGS conference! Doesn't it feel as though we've known each other for a long time, just through our blogs? I had a great time and am happy to hear you did, too. So glad we ran into each other before you had to leave!

  4. Sounds like a fabulous conference. Would love to attend someday.

  5. Dorene, I have to admit I'm just a little envious. Wish I could have gone! It sounds like a great learning experience.

  6. Getting to meet another genealogy blogger in person is so special! We all know each other through our blogs, but to meet a blogger in person - - it is kind of like meeting a celebrity! Thanks for finding at the conference, Shelley! Now if Sheri, Michelle, or Nancy are ever at the OGS conference in Ohio, and I'm there too - - please find me so I can meet you too!
