Thursday, March 22, 2012

Abner Lyman, Pioneer Resident of Erie County

Lying flat on the ground at Oakland Cemetery is this tombstone for Abner Lyman, who was an early settler of Erie County, Ohio. Abner Lyman's inscription reads:

Abner Lyman
Died Mar. 22, 1853
Aged 66 y's. 8 mo.
28 d's

At the very base of the tombstone for Abner Lyman is the phrase:

Erected by H.A. Lyman, 1858

An entry in the genealogical book entitled LYLE ANCESTRY gives us some biographical information about Abner Wheeler. He married Eunice Wheeler, of Herkimer County, New York. Abner Lyman settled in Sandusky, Ohio in 1818. He served as a Captain and Major in the Ohio Militia and he was a private at Sackett's Harbor in the War of 1812. The sketch states that Abner Lyman was "one of the earliest settlers of Sandusky; a worthy, estimable man, who enjoyed the respect and confidence of all who knew him." He worked as a millwright and carpenter.

The children of Abner and Eunice (Wheeler) Lyman were: John Lyman, Sophia Lyman, William Henry Lyman, and Hiram Abner Lyman. The H.A. Lyman who erected the tombstone in honor of Abner Lyman was most likely his son, Hiram Abner Lyman. Hiram would go on to live the rest of his life in the Sandusky area, working as the keeper of the lighthouse at Cedar Point until his death in 1901.

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