Thursday, February 9, 2012

Time Capsule Challenge

Bill West at West in New England has challenged genealogists to blog about what we would put in a time capsule that would be opened open a century from now. If I were to put together a time capsule, here are the items I would put in it:

  • A flash drive, with copies of my blog posts on it (hoping that someone would be able to open such a device in 3012!)
  • An MP3 player loaded with my favorite tunes
  • Bath fizzies, because they are SO relaxing to a busy wife, mom, and grandma!
  • A can of Diet Coke with Splenda, my beverage of choice
  • A framed photo of the ball field in Bay View, because it was named for my father

It would probably take a small suitcase to hold all the items that I selected. If I were to actually create this time capsule, I would put it in a closet on the main floor of our house. Right now, we have a multi-generational home, and I am guessing that it will probably stay in the family.

Thanks, Bill, for creating such a thought provoking challenge!


  1. Great response to the challenge :-)

  2. Great list! Love the bath fizzies and Diet Coke, thumbs up. You are so luck to have those scrapbooks.
