Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adam and Teresa Berardi

Adam and Teresa Berardi were natives of the Republic of San Marino. According to immigration records available at Ancestry Library Edition, Adamo and Teresa Berardi arrived in the port of New York City on July 29, 1927, having left from Genoa, Italy on the ship Conte Biancamano. Adamo was age 30, and he gave his occupation as farmer. Teresa was age 28. They came to America with three children, Roberto, Leonello, and Iride, all aged 5 years and under. Adamo stated that his nearest relative was Salvatore Berardi, still residing in San Marino. He and his family were going to Sandusky, Ohio, to permanently reside with his brother Secondo Berardi at 409 Finch Street.

In the 1930 U.S. Census Adam/Adamo's first name was listed as Gianno. He and Teresa and the three children were living on McKelvey Street in Sandusky, in a section of town known as “Little Italy.” This area was located along Milan Road, bordered by Finch Street and Boalt Street. Eventually the Italian-American Beneficial Club was started in this neighborhood. In 1930, Adam/Adamo/Gianno Berardi was worked in a stone quarry. Later he would work at the Lyman Boat Company. Sadly, both sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Berardi were killed during World War Two. Leonello, often called Nello, was killed in action in Italy in 1944. Robert Berardi died in Germany in 1945. A plaque honoring the memory of the Berardi brothers was erected in the Fiorentino Cemetery in San Marino. A front page article in the Sandusky Register of April 5, 1961 reported on the Berardi brothers being remembered in San Marino.

Photo credit: Dr. Daniele Cesaretti

The inscription on the tombstone for Roberto and Leonello Berardi reads:

Nati sulla nostra libera Terra
emigrati negli Stati Uniti d'America
portarono alla patria adottiva
la passione della Libertà.

Soldati dell'armata liberatrice
caddero da eroi sulla terra europea
ancora una volta oppressa
e insanguinata dalla guerra.

A rievocare il nobile sacrificio
a celebrare le loro più patrie
ad esaltare l'amore della libertà
qui presso il tumulo degli avi
dei due giovani eroi
grato il Governo pose.

Roughly translated into English, it reads:

Born on our Earth free
immigrated to the United States of America
led to the adoptive home
the passion of Liberty.

Soldiers of the liberating
fell as heroes on European soil
once again oppressed
and bloody war.

To commemorate the noble sacrifice
to celebrate their homelands more
to enhance the love of freedom
Here at the tomb of his ancestors
of two young heroes
grateful to the Government poses.

Mrs. Teresa Astolli Berardi died on July 23, 1964 at the age of 64. She had been a member of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church and the Italian-American Beneficial Club Auxiliary and the Gold Star Mothers. Adam Berardi passed away on January 13, 1971 after a brief illness, when he was 74. Both Mr. and Mrs. Berardi were laid to rest at St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Berardi were survived by their daughter Erma M. Canning. Adam Berardi's sister-in-law Eurosia Berardi, along with his nephew Albert Berardi, were well known in Sandusky for their French Fry stand at Cedar Point, and later for their family restaurants. You can read about Berardi's Family Tradition online.

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