Monday, March 12, 2012

Forrest and Irene (Sexton) Parker

Irene Sexton Parker was my half first cousin three times removed, according to the Kinship Report of my Family TreeMaker database. Irene's parents were Merritt Sexton and Sarah J. Milner Sexton. Irene and I can both trace our roots back to Lorinda Stevens. Irene was the granddaughter of Lorinda/Lorenda Stevens Sexton and her first husband Martin Sexton. After Martin died of milk sickness in 1841, Lorinda married my ancestor, Charles Steen. Erie County Probate Records record the date of the marriage of Forrest Franklin Parker and Irene Rosella Sexton as June 22, 1898. By the time of the 1900 U.S. Census, Forrest and Irene Parker were residing in Boston, where Forrest was working as a teamster. In 1900, they had a young son, Forrest Sexton Parker. Irene Sexton Parker passed away in Toledo, Ohio on March 12, 1924. Forrest F. Parker died on April 6, 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest F. Parker were buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

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