Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, August 6, 2011

Another Saturday Night Genealogy Fun activity was posted by Randy, GeneaMusings:

Good evening, genea-heirheads (a new genea-word!) -- it's Saturday Night - time for more Genealogy Fun!!!

Your mission, if you decide to accept it is to:

1) Review Denise Levenick's (The Family Curator) three blog posts on the Present Photo Challenge. World Photography Day is coming up Aug 19, and this seemed like a fun thing to do something genealogy-wise.




2) Identify one or more photographs from your own photograph collection that you could use for the Present Photo Challenge.

3) Show us the photographs that you could use on your blog, a Facebook status or a Google Plus Stream.

4) Please post a link on Denise's blog about your blog post, and/or on this blog post linking to your blog post.


Well, I packed up a few members of my family, and we headed to downtown Sandusky to try to re-capture some family moments from the past. I am very much an amateur, and I could not get the right angle or perspective....but here are my results. All are pictures of my Great Grandmother Irene Risko in the early 1950's outside her apartment building on West Market Street in Sandusky, Ohio. In the first shot, the perspective is off, but you can still see my great grandma fairly well.

Here is the next attempt; it is a little better, but still too low.

The third try had a bit better perspective, but the original photo of Gram Irene is blurry!

So, I do not think these pictures merit being submitted to Dear Photograph, but I wanted to share my attempts with you. We had a lot of fun in the process, and told a lot of stories during the drive there!

The caption for this shot, had it turned out, would have been, Dear Photograph, Everyone in downtown Sandusky misses you Gram Irene, and so do I!


  1. Dorene, You had a hard shot to compose, but I'm glad you had a good time! That's what it's all about. Thank you for joining the fun for the Past is Present Photo Challenge.

  2. Dorene, you really captured her spirit with those photographs. It really felt like the Past was Present. Looks like a beautiful building as well!
