Thursday, November 3, 2011

Documents from the Pension File of Civil War Veteran Ernest Marshall/Samuel Wilson

A great deal of genealogical information was contained in the pension file of my third great granduncle Ernest/Ernst Marshall and his widow Josephine. Ernest Marshall seved in Company A of the 158th New York Infantry under the name of Samuel Wilson. According to the New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs, he enlisted as a private on August 8, 1862. He reached the rank of Sergeant before he was mustered out with his company on June 30, 1865 at Richmond, Virginia.

Though it is difficult to read, in the claim filed in 1893 by Ernest Marshall aka Samuel Wilson, his health problems included rheumatism, heart problems, catarrh, and hearing loss.

On December 4, 1897 a document was filed which contains information related to the marriage of Ernest Marshall to Josephine Long in 1868, and a listing of the names and birth dates of their seven children.

In 1889, Ernest Marshall filed a Declaration for Invalid Pension.

After Ernest Marshall's death on February 24, 1905, his widow Josephine applied for an accrued pension.

It appears that in May of 1905, Josephine Marshall received notice that she would receive an accrued pension.

Though we may never know why a young man from Sandusky, Ohio enlisted with a regiment from the state of New York, it is very interesting to read the items from his pension file. Mrs. Josephine Marshall passed away on November 2, 1910, and she was buried at Oakland Cemetery next to her husband Ernst/Ernest Marshall.

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