Monday, July 4, 2011

Asa Smith

Asa Smith is buried in Block 10 of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. A Revolutionary War marker decorates his grave. The June 1863 issue of the Firelands Pioneer reports that Asa Smith came with his family to Erie County, Ohio in June of 1810. He settled in Huron, on the bank of Lake Erie. He brought peach stones with him from his former home, and planted them. Peaches were produced from these trees in the fall of 1816. Asa Smith died in Huron, Ohio on August 30, 1815.

In the book HISTORY OF HURON AND ERIE COUNTIES, OHIO, by W.W. Williams, we read this biographical sketch about Asa Smith:

In 1809, Asa Smith visited the country in and around Huron, and moved into the township in June, 1810, from Romulus, Seneca county, New York. In 1811, he was elected justice of the peace, at the first election held in the township after its organization. Mr. Asa Smith located not far from the present residence of W. H. Wright, one mile west of the mouth of the river. He was born in Massachusetts; his wife in Rhode Island; they lived, for a time, on Long Island; afterwards moved to Romulus, New York, and from thence to Huron. They had six children when they came to Huron, one of whom, William B.,was born on Long Island, August 15, 1796. Mr. Asa Smith died at his residence, in Huron, August 30, 1815. His wife died August 30, 1842, in Sandusky.

A grandson of Asa Smith, Frederick F. Smith, served as Erie County Sheriff from 1858 to 1859. He died while in office.

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