Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Background for Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay

After reading Bill West's post about his New Background , as well as his helpful comments, I tried to create a new background using the Picture Window Template. I had some problems with re-sizing the image. First the image was too large, and Blogger could not load it. Then, after I re-sized it to be a smaller image, the Picture Window Template put it in as wallpaper, and it was way to "busy" for my liking. So....I went with a preformatted template. It was a fun adventure, and at least I changed it up a little bit! Below are two views of Sandusky Bay that I had hoped would work out in the Picture Window Template. The Edison Bridge can be seen in the background. These shots were taken from Bay Bridge, overlooking Sandusky Bay, towards Ottawa County, Ohio. Thanks Bill for the inspiration to try out features that were new to me on Blogger!


  1. These photos are beautiful, Dorene!

  2. Thanks, Nancy! Sometimes I get so busy with work, and family matters, that I forget how absolutely beautiful it is here!!
