Thursday, May 5, 2011

Great Grandma Irene and Grandma Doris at the Beach

My Great Grandmother Irene is pictured at the Cedar Point beach with her young daughter Doris, about 1913 or 1914. With them are family friends Anna and Paul Miller. When I asked my mother to tell me more about Anna and Paul Miller, she could only tell me that they moved out of the area, and that Paul died young. Gram Irene would go on to have a lot of heartache, in regards to relationships, personal finances, and losing dear loved ones when they were way too young to die. But in this beach scene, she appears to be having a quiet relaxing day with little Doris, Anna, and Paul. (I wish I had a better quality image of this picture!)

You can view several vintage views of the Cedar Point Beach by visiting the Columbus Memory website. Simply enter the search terms Cedar Point Beach.


  1. Fabulous picture, Dorene! This is such a wonderful period photo. I wish I had one like this in my collection of family photos!!!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping Jasia! I was blessed that my mom and her grandmothers were so sentimental, and kept a lot of momentos!

  3. Yes, a wonderful early photograph Dorene, showing what I would guess are typical bathing costumes of the day. Thank you for sharing it.

  4. No matter that the quality of the photograph isn't what you wish, it's wonderful that you have the photograph. I see that someone in your family, like in mine, wrote on photographs! It used to bother me a bit but these days I'm thinking that at least people are identified! Thanks for sharing this great photograph.

  5. That is a nice photo. It's too bad about poor Paul but they do look like they all had a nice day at the beach.

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by! My Great Grandma Irene and Grandma Doris had so much tragedy and loss in their lives, so it was nice to see them in a happy, carefree moment:)

  7. Love the photo even with the writing. At least you know who they all are. It's also nice that you have a photo of them during happier times.
