Thursday, May 19, 2011

Donald Orshoski, 1931-2007

My Uncle Don is pictured above with Aunt Marge and their two children at a family gathering in Bay View in August of 1961. Donald Orshoski was the fourth child of Steve and Emma Orshoski, born in Bay Bridge, Ohio in 1931.

Don worked for many years for Ohio Edison. After he retired, he delivered meals for the "Meals on Wheels" program of the Serving our Seniors of Erie County. Uncle Don lived longer than any of the five children born to Steve and Emma. Whenever my siblings and I ran into him, it was a delight, as he looked and acted so much like our dad Paul, who died in 1983. At the dinner following the funeral of our Uncle Cliff, Don sat for a long time with us, sharing stories about the old days in Bay Bridge. He especially recalled how feisty our Great Grandpa Joe was! Though we didn't get a chance to see him all that often, Uncle Don always brightened our day, and he helped us keep those special family memories alive.

Donald S. Orshoski passed away on May 19, 2007, after a lengthy illness. He was laid to rest at Meadow Green Memorial Park. An obituary for my Uncle Don appeared in the May 21, 2007 issue of the Sandusky Register.

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