Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Easter Without Mom

Today was our first family Easter gathering without our Mom, who passed away last Fall. Little sis Kellie graciously hosted our extended family, and we thought about Mom throughout the afternoon. Four of the six siblings were able to be at this year's Easter celebration.

Several grandchildren, a great grandchild, and some friends were also at Easter.

We miss you, Mom!


  1. Beautifully said. Happy Easter to you and your family Dorene.

  2. Happy Easter to you and yours, as well!

  3. Those first holidays without our moms are so hard, aren't they? Blessings to you and your family and Happy Easter. I'm sure your mom was there in spirit.

  4. Thanks for stopping by Nancy! Happy Easter to you too!

  5. What a lovely family your mother left behind; I'm glad that some of you were able to get together.

  6. We have fun sharing memories of times gone by!

  7. Such a lovely post. Holidays are difficult but get easier with time. My thoughts are with you.


  8. I know EXACTLY how you feel.

    This coming Easter (March 31st, 2013) will be my first Easter without my beloved Mother, who admitted that Easter was her favorite time of all; even more so than that of Christmas. Mom loved Christmas, yes.........but she loved Easter more.

    I am going to be crying throughout the day, and I will let those tears out; it is absolutely okay to cry. I miss my mom so very, very, very much.

    Mom went all out to prepare for this special, it will be a day of tears and mourning. I know it is Christ's Resurrection, but this day will be difficult.

    I am not looking forward to Easter at all.

    My mom passed away last June: June 3rd, 2012, at 21:34, from advanced, and severe ovarian cancer, and I miss her so. :(
