Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Paul Family's 1968 Chevrolet Impala

On September 14, 1968,the very day that Denny McClain won his 30th game during the 1968 baseball season, for the Detroit Tigers, my father in law (father of my future husband at that time)bought a brand new 1968 Chevrolet Impala. The color was "Grecian green," and Tom's parents were so excited about the purchase of this new car. Mr. Paul had worked had selling Stroh's beer all summer long, and Mrs. Paul worked as a waitress at the Log Cabin Inn. Both were working hard in order to save up for this major purchase.

The year 1968 was magical in my world as a teenager. The Detroit Tigers won the World Series, Denny McClain was an amazing pitcher, and it was my very first summer of being in love. Since I didn't drive yet, and neither did my husband to be, we spent many night being driven around in that Chevy Impala! Our parents would shuttle us back and forth to baseball games, dates, and evenings just relaxing and watching baseball on TV.

About a year later, after my boyfriend had his license, he was on his way to pick me up for a date. Close to the U.S. Route 2, near the Edison Bridge, someone pulled out in front of Tom and the 1968 Chevrolet Impala was totaled. The car was repaired, but the entire Paul family was devastated by this accident. I always felt so terrible that Tom was on his way to see me when the accident happened! Thankfully no one was injured, though both cars were damaged severely. The 1968 Chevrolet Impala will always be dear to my heart. It was the vehicle in which I traveled often, when I thought that love could conquer any problem in the world.


  1. What a wonderful remembrance, Dorene! I especially liked the way you tied in the events of the day, the Tigers winning the World Series. It sounds like the Impala was a great car. Too bad things had to end so badly for it. Thank goodness no one was hurt!

  2. My son's high school graduation present in the mid 90s was almost this identical Impala. His was burgundy colored and he was proud of it, and all his friends were in awe of it. Very cool car Dorene!

  3. I even mentioned this car in a high school speech when I was a senior and was taking "public speaking."

  4. I have similar memories of my high school sweetheart (now, husband!) and myself in my parents car. Lots of road trips and days at the beach!

    Great post, thanks for sharing!

  5. Chevy Impala was one of the cool cars to own. I loved the fins. The accident must have broken everyone's heart. Love the color! Only in the sixties!

  6. Thanks for sharing so many memories about the Impala autos in your lives!
