Thursday, March 31, 2011

How the Ohio Secretary of State's Website Can Enhance Your Family Research

The Business Filings held by the Ohio Secretary of State can help you learn about family members who have incorporated a business in the state of Ohio.

  • To access these Ohio Business Filings, first go to the website of the Ohio Secretary of State at the url listed below.

The image below shows several options. The first square on the top left, Business Name Search, has proved helpful to me in researching both individuals as well as businesses.

  • The url for an Ohio Business Search is:

In searching the database of Ohio Businesses at the Ohio Secretary of State's website, I learned that my uncle, Wayne Orshoski, operated the Orshoski Construction Company from May 8, 1987 to October 30, 1991. His brother, my uncle Cliff Orshoski, also worked for the Orshoski Construction Company. Wayne and Cliff are pictured below at a family wedding.

Though his name is just listed under "Others," my great grandfather Leroy "Roy" Parker was one of the incorporators of the Concourse Amusement Company, which operated rides at Cedar Point from 1925 through 1955. Some of the rides operated by the Concourse Amusement Company included Noah's Ark and the Skooter. (Great Grandpa Roy Parker's obituary, as well as family history from older relatives confirmed that Grandpa Roy was with the Concourse Amusement Company.)

If you have ancestors who incorporated a business in Ohio, consider searching the Business Filings of the Ohio Secretary of State. You may learn the dates and exact locations of the businesses in which you are interested. Searches can be made by:

  • Business Name
  • Agent or Contact Name/Incorporator
  • Prior Business Name

While searching for Ohio businesses be may more historical than genealogical in nature, you may learn about the business enterprises of your Buckeye ancestors if you spend a little time at the website of the Ohio Secretary of State. Happy hunting!


  1. I've found the Illinois and Missouri SOS sites helpful, but never thought about checking the Ohio SOS site. Thanks for the tip, Dorene.

  2. I will have to check out the SOS sites at Illinois and Missouri!

  3. Great tip, Dorene. Thank you for sharing!
