Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 11 of 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Illness and Injury

The prompt for Week 11 of 52 Weeks of Personal History & Genealogy, by Amy Coffin of We Tree, and hosted by Geneabloggers, is: Illness and Injury.

Describe your childhood illnesses or injuries. Who took care of you? Did you recuperate in your own bed, on the couch in front of the television, or somewhere else?

As I recall my many childhood illnesses, it was always my mother who took care of me.

She took care of me throughout multiple ear infections, colds, bronchitis, measles, mumps, chicken pox, and a tonsillectomy! Most always it was on our couch in the living room, in front of the television. Usually chicken soup, Jello, and soft drinks were plentiful. I was the oldest of six, so Mom took care of me as well as all the other five children in our family. My brothers had so many trips to the Emergency Room, I don't think I could count them all! There were broken bones, stitches after a fall, more severe cases of bronchitis, and the day little brother Matt cut off the very tip of his finger in the back door! Yikes! Though we are all grown up now, all of us were blessed by Mom's tender loving care. She is gone now, but the memories remain.

After each of us six kids began to have our own families, we would call on Mom when our children were sick. When my twin daughters were babies, they both had an allergic reaction from something they ate, and were screaming at the same time. Mom came up to our house, and rocked them both in the rocker. Before long they were feeling better, and fell asleep. Pictured below are just some of the grandchildren and great grandchildren that Mom O. either took care of, or advised their parents on how to treat the illness or injury at hand.

Most often, illnesses or injuries that needed a doctor's attention, involved a trip to see Dr. Watson Parker. Dr. Watson Parker had a father, brother, and a son, all who also were physicians, so we usually just called him "Dr. Watson." He had a wonderful sense of humor, and a great bedside manner. Dr. Watson, who was also a shirttail cousin, became a friend to our family. He was present at most of the baby deliveries, and he saw each of us several times throughout our lives. He would on occasion make house calls, and he always accepted my mother's medical questions over the phone, all at very reasonable fees. This tribute to Dr. Watson Parker appeared in the Sandusky Register shortly after his death on January 17, 2004

All the members of my extended family miss our parents, and Mom's tender care, and Dr. Watson Parker. They saw us through many a rough time, especially when we were hurt or sick.

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