Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Dolls and Books: 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History

It seems like babies and books have been a part of my life forever. Until I was nine years old, a new baby doll was my most cherished Christmas toy. In the fourth grade, I named my new doll after my teacher Caroline. My sister Robin liked dolls too. My brother Paul was thrilled to get a Huckleberry Hound Dog, and youngest brother Todd (at that point in time) seems to be wondering what all the excitement is about.

As our family increased in size, I really enjoyed the real life babies too! Pictured below I am helping baby brother Matt learn to walk.

When I was teenager, on a warm summer day I give baby sister Kellie a bath on the back patio.

My mother wrote in my baby book that I would listen to books being read to me by the hour. When I was old enough to read, I tried to complete as many book reports as I possibly could. For most of the last forty years, I have worked either part time or full time at a library. I started out shelving books, and later became a Children's Librarian, and after taking time off to have my own babies, I worked, and still do work, as a Reference Assistant. I think that my early baby dolls helped me to prepare for having a family in my adult life, and all the reading helped me to appreciate books and libraries...and of course I now embrace the computer and the amazing databases that the computer leads me to as well!

This blog post was written for Week 7 of 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History, a prompt from Amy at We Tree, and hosted by Geneabloggers.


  1. Dorene, Those pictures are so cute. I can definitely related to the books, dolls and younger siblings.


  2. Thanks for stopping by, Cathy! It was a joy to grow up in such a big family.
