Sunday, February 27, 2011

Arah Osborn, Early Settler

On the grounds of Osborn Park, located in Perkins Township, on East Perkins Avenue, is the tombstone of Arah Osborn, who died on February 27, 1843, at the age 59. An iron fence surrounds the tombstone.

An article in the June 14, 2008 issue of the Sandusky Register states that Arah Osborn settled in Perkins Township in the area that is now Osborn Park, a vital part of the Erie MetroParks System. Arah’s grandson, Myron Osborn, later lived on the land. When Myron Osborn died in 1932, he left his farm land to the State of Ohio along with a generous sum of money. From the late 1930’s through the early 1970’s, the State of Ohio operated a prison farm on the Osborn property. The Erie County Commission purchased the Osborn property from the state of Ohio in 1974, and Osborn Park was dedicated in 1975. Today Osborn Park provides a variety of recreational needs, including nature trails, playgrounds, area for public gardens, picnic shelters, and meeting rooms.


  1. Interesting! I am not sure of the relationship.

  2. It could! I am not sure how to verify where Arah Obron is really buried!
