Thursday, February 24, 2011

Annie M. Gentle, Sandusky Nurse

In the business listing in the back of the 1898-1899 SANDUSKY CITY DIRECTORY, is a listing of persons employed as nurses in the city of Sandusky. A name caught my eye:

Annie M. Gentle, who resided on the west side of Columbus Avenue south of the corporation line.

When the nurses were listed alphabetically by their surname in the city directory, her name appeared as:

Gentle, Annie M.

How delightful to find a nurse whose name was "Gentle Annie!" There was another nurse residing at the same location, Hattie G. Crosier. The address is very close to the location of the Erie County Infirmary, now at 2900 Columbus Avenue, so Annie and Hattie were most likely nurses at the County Infirmary. (This building is now an Erie County office building.)

After searching in several genealogical databases, I could not find any listings for Annie M. Gentle in the U.S. Census for 1880 or 1900, nor could I find any vital records for her. I would love to know who were parents were, and the locations and dates of her birth and death. Annie, I would love to know more about you, and how you chose to become a nurse whose name was "Gentle Annie."

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