Saturday, February 5, 2011

52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History:Radio and Television

An announcement appeared at Geneabloggers for Week 6 of 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History, a series of weekly blogging prompts from Amy Coffin at We Tree. Week 6 asks us about Radio and Television:

What was your favorite radio or television show from your childhood? What was the program about and who was in it?

There is no doubt about it, "I Love Lucy" was the favorite television program at my house when I was a child. (In real life, I was close in age to Lucille Ball's own daughter, and my brother was close in age to Desi Arnaz, Jr., so we could relate to the program very well.)I am sure that both my mother and I saw every single episode of "I Love Lucy" that ever aired. When Lucy told Ricky she was expecting, there was not a dry eye at our house! When Lucy and Ethel baked the bread that grew into a huge loaf, we howled with laughter. The commercial for "Vitameatavegamin " was hilarious! There have been books, documentaries, and television shows about Lucille Ball and the "I Love Lucy" show. The show was, and is, popular all across the U.S. and throughout the world, so I am not coming up with anything new here, but "I Love Lucy" brought joy, laughter, and wonderful homespun memories to my entire family in Bay View, Ohio in the 1950's. (And of course the re-runs are still enjoyable today!)

Learn more about Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz at The Museum of Broadcast Communications and the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center.

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