Monday, January 10, 2011

George W. Dewitt

George W. DeWitt was born in 1825 in Pennsylvania. Eventually he moved to Erie County, Ohio, where he and his wife lived on a farm in Perkins Township. The DeWitt's had a son named William C. DeWitt.

George W. DeWitt died on January 19, 1896. He was buried in the North Ridge section of Oakland Cemetery. Mr. DeWitt's obituary in the January 21, 1896 Sandusky Register read: "The death of Mr. George DeWitt occurred at the home residence shortly before 6 o'clock on Saturday morning at the age of 72 years. Mr DeWitt has been ailing for some time past. The funeral services took place at the residence and the remains were interred in Oakland cemetery, Rev. L. K. Warner officiating."

Claude B. DeWitt, the grandson of George W. DeWitt, was married to the daughter of General Henry A. Axline, who was considered the "father of the Ohio National Guard." (Claude B. DeWitt and Tella Axline DeWitt later divorced.) General Henry A. Axline is also buried in Oakland Cemetery.

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