Saturday, December 25, 2010

First Christmas Without Mom

This was my very first Christmas without our mom, Joyce Parker Orshoski. She was spoken of often this year, especially on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as we gathered at my brother's and sister's homes. She loved Christmas SO much, and she always started her Christmas shopping on December 26th, for the next year's Christmas season!

I am thankful for her love of family and joyful enthusiasm for the whole Christmas season. We miss you Mom!


  1. My condolences to you and your family, Dorene, for the loss of your dear mother. Your memorial about her is both touching and beautiful. Thank you for sharing a bit of her life with us, your readers.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words! She really did leave us with wonderful memories!

  3. Thinking of you all hard to miss a loved one, especially your mom, at Christmas time. I am glad you all could share and remember her today. :)

  4. I think holidays are so hard those first years after a loved-one's death. It's good you were able to spend time with family, remembering your mother. What a great post to honor her. Blessings to you, Dorene.

  5. Mom taught us so well how to love and enjoy Christmas, so we thought a lot about her today! We even passed out some gifts that she had bought ahead of time!

  6. My condolences to you Dorene..I know what you are feeling as it is my first Christmas without my mother also. I'm so glad for the memories of both my parents!

  7. Thanks so much Lisa! Family memories are truly a blessing!

  8. Found your link again and hit to follow it. I started a blog too. but not sure how I link it.

  9. Kellie - What is your blog url?
