Friday, November 19, 2010

Love of Genealogy

When my niece was working on her family history for a 4-H project, she said to me, “My friends say that genealogy should be the study of genies!” At a state genealogy conference, my co-worker and I heard someone say she heard there were several people attending a gynecology conference! Then, this week a library patron asked for the geology study room.

Whatever it is called, I know that I love to do genealogy research, which according to the 2010 edition of the Random House dictionary is: a record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person, family, group, etc.
(I accessed this information at


  1. Dorene, this is a lovely collage of photos. It's funny how many variations of genealogy people manage to come up with. I love doing it, too.

  2. Nancy, It is so terrific that in this digital age we can connect with others who love sharing genealogy!
