Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jacob and Adelaide Wahl

According to the United States 1880 Census, Jacob Wahl was born in Baden, Germany in 1838, while his wife Adelaide was born in Prussia about 1846. Jacob was a farmer, and the couple had a little girl named Anna who was 12 at the time of the census. During the Civil War, Jacob Wahl served in Company I in the 145th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a unit of the National Guard. Jacob Wahl died in 1905, and his wife Adelaide died in 1933. Both are buried in the Castalia Cemetery in Margaretta Township.

In the nineteenth century, a significant number of German immigrants made their way to Erie County. Dr. E. Von Schulenburg wrote a chapter on the “German Element of Erie County” in THE HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY, OHIO, edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich in 1889. Dr. Ernst Von Schulenburg, who was both a minister and a physician in Sandusky, first published his book Sandusky "Einst und Jetzt in 1889. The book was later translated into the English language by Dr. Norbert A. and Marion Cleaveland Lange. Persons of German origin have added greatly to the growth of businesses, churches, and the cultural heritage of Sandusky and Erie County.


  1. Hmmm? My grandma was a Wahl. I wonder if there's any connection.

  2. I am sure there is a connection, but I haven't had a chance to figure it all out yet!
