Sunday, November 21, 2010

Follett House Museum is Ready for Christmas

The Follett House Museum is the former home of early Sandusky resident, Oran Follett and his family. Mr. Follett was active in the publishing business. He was also connected with early Ohio Railroads and was active in politics as well.

The theme for the 2010 holiday season at the Follett House is "Peace on Earth."

Beautiful decorations adorn the home's several rooms.

Mr. Follett's portrait appears below.

Mrs. Eliza Follett was kind hearted. She was active in charity work throughout her life.

Puck and Punch were connected with former Sandusky businesses. Their home is now in the basement of the Follett House Museum.

Many portraits of early Sandusky residents can be seen at the Follett House Museum.

The "Toy Room" is always popular with youngsters.

You can take a free tour of the Follett House Museum. Call the Sandusky Library at 419-625-3834 for more information. Oran and Eliza Follett's former home provides us with a wonderful look at Sandusky in days gone by.

Mr. and Mrs. Oran Follett are buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

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