Monday, November 8, 2010

Capt. Merritt Sexton and Sarah Milner Sexton

A biographical sketch of Merritt Sexton is found in HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE, by Harriet Taylor Upton. Merritt Sexton was the son of Martin Sexton and Lorenda Stevens Sexton, born in Berlin Township, Erie County, Ohio on February 1, 1838. In 1861, Merritt Sexton enlisted in Company G of the 72nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Merritt was seriously wounded at the Battle of Shiloh, but he recovered, and he was eventually commissioned as Captain of Company F. of the 72nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

In 1866, Merritt Sexton married Sarah Milner, a daughter of Thomas and Ann Bowser Milner. Mr. and Mrs. Sexton farmed for many years, and then Merritt worked for the gas company for thirty-three years. Merritt Sexton was a member of the G.A.R., and Sarah Milner Sexton was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. Merritt Sexton died on June 30, 1912. Mrs. Sarah Milner Sexton died on November 10, 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Sexton are buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

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