Friday, November 26, 2010

Benjamin E. Deeley

This weathered stone at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery honors the memory of Civil War Veteran Benjamin E. Deeley. According to HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE, by Harriet Taylor Upton, Benjamin Deeley was born in Sandusky on August 31, 1841, to Edmond and Dora Kinney Deeley. Banjamin helped his father in the local fishing industry, and he was also a carpenter by trade. In 1861, Benjamin Deeley enlisted in Company E of the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for three months' service. In 1862, Benjamin re-enlisted, this time in Company G of the 123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Twice during his years of service during the Civil War, Benjamin Deeley was held prisoner. After the war was over, Benjamin worked for the railroad in Sandusky, building railroad cars. In politics, Mr. Deeley was a Republican. He was also an active member of the G.A.R. During Sandusky's Memorial Day services of 1911, Benjamin Deeley was chairman of the decorating committee.

On June 8, 1866, Benjamin E. Deeley married Jane Steen, a daughter of Charles and Lorenda Stevens Sexton Steen. The family residence was 619 Perry Street in Sandusky. Benjamin E. Deeley passed away on November 26, 1925. He is buried at Oakland Cemetery with his wife, Jane Steen Deeley, who died in 1908. An obituary for Benjamin Deeley is found in the 1925 OBITUARY NOTEBOOK, in the genealogical section of the Sandusky Library. Benjamin Deeley was survived by Dr. William Steen Deeley and Dr. B. C. Deeley, both of Mount Vernon, Ohio; Mrs. E. W. House of Cleveland; and Mary and Sarah Deeley, both of Sandusky. Benjamin Deeley had another son who was a physician in Mount Vernon. Dr. Stanton E. Deeley died in 1923.

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