Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mrs. Sarah L. Boalt

Mrs. Sarah L. Boalt, wife of John M. Boalt, died at Sandusky on October 23, 1844. She was age 20 years and 9 months.

Pages 101 and 102 of THE FOLLETT-DEWEY FASSETT-SAFFORD ANCESTRY, available full text at Heritage Quest, tells us that Sarah Louisa Follett was born to Oran Follett and his first wife, the former Nancy Filer, at Batavia, New York on January 24, 1824. She married John M. Boalt on December 29, 1842. They had one child, who died in infancy.

The home of Sarah's father, Oran Follett, is now a museum, The Follett House Museum, which is available for free tours. A virtual tour of the The Follett House Museum is available online. Click on Follett House Museum Video Tour to access the online tour of The Follett House Museum.

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