Friday, October 8, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman E. Strong

A biographical sketch of Henry Clay Strong in HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE provides information about Henry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman E. Strong. Lyman Elderkin Strong was born to Major Joseph and Lucy Elderkin Strong on June 13, 1802. Major Strong was one of the earliest settlers in Lyme Township of Huron County. Lyman E. Strong was a merchant and also had a farm, first in Lyme Township and later in Plymouth, Ohio in Richland County. Lyman D. Strong married Calista Lucinda Nims in 1831.

Lyman Elderkin Strong died on October 8, 1889, and Calista Nims Strong died on April 14, 1891. A tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Strong is found in the book HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE:

"They lived lives of usefulness and honor and their names merit an enduring place on the roll of those who contributed their quota to the social and material development and progress of the historic old Western Reserve."

The business papers of Lyman Elderkin Strong are held by the Library of the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center. Lyman E. and Calista Strong are buried in the Strong's Ridge Cemetery in Huron County, Ohio along with their son Ozias Strong, who died in 1864. A cousin of Lyman Elderkin Strong, also named Lyman Strong, was a marble dealer in Cleveland, Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Brenda! I made the correction on Lyman E. Strong's birth date!
