Thursday, September 16, 2010

Orshoski/Orsocky Marriage Record from 1905

In Westmoreland County, in the State of Pennsylvania, Joe Orsocky (later spelled Orshoski)and Julie Hercog applied for a marriage license before the Justice of the Peace on September 16, 1905.

Joe stated that his parents were Joe and Mary Orsocky, and he was born in Hungary on May 6, 1880. Julie Hercog, also born in Hungary, stated that her parents were Joe and Barber Hercog, and her birthdate was January 5, 1883. (Later records lists Julie's maiden name as Julia Herzog.) Joe's occupation was coal miner, and he was residing in Pricedale, Pennsylvania at the time he applied for his marriage license. Neither the bride or groom had been married before.

Joe signed his name on the second page of the document. Julie left her mark.

Joe and Julie Orsocky/Orshoski had a family of six sons. They moved to West Virginia for a short time, and then settled in Bay Bridge, Ohio, where Joe worked at a cement factory. Sadly, Mrs. Orshoski died when her sixth son was still an infant. The first Mrs. Joe Orshoski was buried at Castalia Cemetery near the tombstone of Joe Orshoski, Jr. Joe/Joseph Orshoski married Julianna Szomolya after his first wife died. Joe and his second wife are also buried at the Castalia Cemetery. See earlier blog postings to read more about the Joseph Orshoski family.


  1. Are these folks your family? Just wondering since you have the marriage license. Or is it more of your top notch research???

  2. Hi there!
    Yes, it is the marriage certificate of my great grandparents. I never met my great grandmother, as she died before I was born, but I remember Grandpa Joe very well! He worked hard, and he seemed rather serious...and he drank his Stroh's beer from a chilled glass!
