Saturday, September 18, 2010

Judge Elisha M. Colver

In Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery is this well worn tombstone honoring Elisha Maffit Colver. A Grand Army of the Republic marker has been placed in front of the stone for Elisha M. Colver.

Elisha Maffit Colver was born in Hudson, New York in 1832. When he was a teenager, he moved with his family to Huron County, Ohio. In 1859 Elisha M. Colver graduated from Cincinnati Law School, and he began practicing law in Wood County, Ohio the same year.

During the Civil War Elisha M. Colver served as Lieutenant in Co. B of the Third Ohio Cavalry. He became Captain of Co. K, Third Ohio Cavalry in 1861. Following the war, Elisha opened a law office in Sandusky. He became City Solicitor in 1868, and was Probate Judge of Erie County from 1870 through 1878. Elisha M. Colver died on September 19, 1895. His stone is situated directly in front of Clara Prout Colver's monument. Patty Pascoe devotes three pages of her book ELECTED TO SERVE to Judge Elisha M. Colver.

The first wife of Elisha M. Colver was Clara Prout. Clara died in 1874, leaving behind several small children. In 1876, Elisha married Caroline T. Wood. Elisha and Caroline had a baby who lived for only three years.

Georgia Elizabeth Colver's tombstone has this inscription at the bottom of her stone: Our darling sleeps sweetly.

The top of her stone reads "At Rest." Georgia was born Nov. 13, (the year is illegible) and "Departed this Life October 28, 1886."

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